The 2021 New Year's Sale

View the wide selection of items from tokens through Silver Dollars. Featuring in this sale are two extremely rare Specimen coins, a 1921 5 cents PCGS SP-63 and a 1921 50 cents SP-64, a 1947 Blunt $1 in Gem Mint State65 condition, an 1892 50 cents ICCS MS62, an 1872H 7/7 variety ICCS MS-65, a scarce 1900 1/1 variety 25 cents in ICCS MS66, an 1894 25 Cents in ICCS MS65, a 1945 & 1948 silver dollars, both in Specimen condition. Also, you will find in this sale, an outstanding selection of Maritime pieces, several Victorian, Edwardian and George V pieces in Choice to Gem condition. An attractive selection of Canadian Tokens is up for sale which includes some very scarce and unsual pieces. In addition, a superb selection of banknotes including errors and fancy numbered notes. Certain issues are either One of Kind or Top Graded for type. So, don’t miss this opportunity to better your collection by bidding your missing. HAPPY NEW YEAR! - STAY SAFE.

279 lots out of 1374

The Canadian Numismatic Company

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